AOL Mail Not Working On Your iPhone

Published Categorized as AOL Mail

If you’re an iPhone user and you’re having problems with emailing with your AOL account, this article will help.

What is AOL Mail?

AOL Mail is a free email service that is offered by AOL. It is available on both the iPhone and Android devices. AOL Mail offers users a variety of features, such as the ability to send and receive emails, access to their email archives, and the ability to create groups of messages. However, AOL Mail may not be working properly on your iPhone. If you are experiencing problems with AOL Mail, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the issue.

If you are using an iPhone 4 or later, you can try to update your app. This will likely fix any issues with the app that are causing AOL Mail not to work properly. If you are using an iPhone 3GS or earlier, you will need to jailbreak your device in order to install updates from Apple. Once you have jailbroken your device, you can install updates from Apple that may fix issues with AOL Mail.

If updating your app or jailbreaking your device does not fix the issue, you can try clearing your cache and settings on your iPhone. This will reset all of your preferences for AOL Mail and may restore it to working condition. Additionally, you can try changing your network settings so that AOL Mail

Common Problems with AOL Mail on iPhone

If you’re having trouble getting your AOL Mail not working on your iPhone, there are a few things you can try. The first thing to check is whether or not your iPhone is compatible with AOL Mail. If you’re using an older model iPhone that doesn’t support AOL Mail, you’ll need to upgrade your phone. If you’re using an iPhone 5 or later, however, AOL Mail should work just fine.

If your phone is compatible with AOL Mail and you’re still having problems, the next thing to check is your internet connection. If you’re connected to a good network connection, then it’s likely that the problem lies with your phone or email account rather than your network. If you’re still having problems, though, it might be worth trying some of the fixes below.

If none of these solutions work for you, it might be worth contacting AOL customer service. They might be able to help resolve the issue for you.

Solutions to Fix AOL Mail Not Working on iPhone

AOL Mail is one of the most popular email programs on the iPhone, but in some cases it can stop working. Here are some solutions to fix AOL Mail not working on your iPhone.


If you’re experiencing issues with your AOL Mail account not working on your iPhone, there are a few things that you can do to resolve the issue. First, make sure that your iOS device and AOL Mail are both up-to-date. Second, try following these steps to reset your password:

1) Open the Settings app on your iPhone

2) Tap on Accounts

3) Tap on Reset Password

4) Enter the new password and tap on Confirm

5) Go back to the main Settings screen

6) Scroll down until you see Email

7) Tap on it and select Turn On

8) Enter the email address that is associated with your AOL Mail account

9) Click on Save Changes

10) You will now be able to access and use your AOL Mail account from within iOS

If you want to know more solutions about this issue, you can read more.

By emailspedia